Technology in Logistics

Technology in Logistics

Technology innovations have made huge impacts on many different industries in recent years.  From healthcare and medicine to fields such as design and architecture. Technological advancements have made major changes to each of these industries, often, for the better....
AI in Manufacturing

AI in Manufacturing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has impacted many different industries and areas of business.  From healthcare to architecture, we have seen AI make improvements to internal processes, customer interactions, product design, development, in our personal lives...
Virtual Reality (VR) in Design and Engineering

Virtual Reality (VR) in Design and Engineering

New developments in technology are drastically changing industries across the board.  From Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning to Virtual Reality (VR), these tech developments are altering and improving the way industry professionals are completing their...
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

The world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quickly on the rise as it makes its way into many different industries. From manufacturing to automotive, you can likely see AI used for many different purposes; and as time goes on, you’ll only see it even more. One of the...
Technology’s Impact on Architecture

Technology’s Impact on Architecture

The architectural field has many different areas that require experts and their insights to contribute to the development and creation of structures that are made to last. From hand-drawn blueprints and illustrations to digitally generated images that can show a final...